Risky Akaputra, Erlina Burhan, Arifin Nawas Abstract Background : Approximately 500.000 new cases of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) in the worldwide. One study found diabetes mellitus (DM) as a contributing factor to develop MDR TB. Diabetes mellitus is known as risk factor to reactivation, late conversion and more complication during tuberculosis treatment. In this […]
Tag archives for tuberkulosis
Reviono, Indah Juliana, Harsini, Jatu Aphridasari, Yusup Subagio Sutanto Abstract Background : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a risk factor for tuberculosis and may modify its presenting features. There is good evidence that DM makes a substansial contribution to TB incidence. Considering the contradictory results of the previous studies, this study was conducted for further investigation, […]
Panji Utomo, Susan Hendriarini Mety, Agung Wibawanto Abstract The burden of tuberculosis in Indonesia has become more emerging and challenging with the increasing number of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) and the extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB). The XDR TB is defined as resistance to at least rifampicin and isoniazid (which is the definition […]
Dyah Retno Wulandari, Yani Jane Sugiri Abstract Diabetes mellitus (DM) increases the risk of active tuberculosis (TB) infection by 3.11 times. With the increase in the pandemic, which 80% DM in TB endemic areas, the TB will be a problem in the future. Although the incidence rate of TB has decreased, but still not reached […]
Setiawan B, Adenan, Suhartono E. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):72-7. Abstract Introduction: Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human induce variety response involved protective immunity to clinical manifestation of tuberculosis. Oxidative mechanism to infection controlling not only happened in macrofag but in all liquid compartment of body. Methods: Aim of this study was to evaluate peroxidative index and advanced […]
Yovi I, Swidarmoko B, Burhan E. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):78-84. Abstract: Introduction: The therapy for tuberculosis empyema is more complicated compared to the therapy for non-tuberculosis empyema. Surgical treatment is frequently necessary. However, the optimum time at which surgical intervention must be performed is still not settled. Methods: The medical records of patients with final […]
Surjanto E, Sutanto YS, Reviono, Harsini, Marsabessy QL. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):85-8. Abstract Introduction: Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection in human immunodefisiency virus (HIV) patients. Aim this study was to describe TB-HIV coinfection patients among TB patients according to clinical symptoms, acid fast bacili, chest radiography. Methods: Descriptive study from medical record of 37 […]
Setiarsih HS, Wiyono WH, Burhan E, Soemanto RK, Widyahening IS. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):89-99. Abstract: Introduction: Diagnostic tuberculosis using acid fast bacilli (AFB) microscopy and conventional Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) culture remain the cornerstone but the sensitivity of these traditional methods is quite low, especially in the samples containing small number of organism. There is a […]
Mulyadi, Mudatsir, Nurlina. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(3):133-7. In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared tuberculosis as a Global Emergency. In 2004, WHO stated that there are 8.8 million new cases for tuberculosis. Indonesia ranks third in the world for the number of cases of tuberculosis, after India and China. This study aims to […]
Mulyadi, Siregar RS, Maulidar N. J Respir Indones. 2011;128-32. Pulmonary TB is an infection of the lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and being a health problem for the world. Pulmonary TB is closely related to poverty, malnutrition, slums, housing under the standards, and inadequate health care. The aim of this study was to find […]
Pamungkasari EP, Probandari AN, Dewanti MI, Sekarhandini P. J Respir Indones. 2011;122-7. Today, the approach of the incidence of infection surveillance Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has shifted from voluntary approach Counseling and Testing (VCT) to the Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing (PITC). In the PITC, counseling and HIV testing be integrated in the health service […]
Agustin H. J Respir Indones. 2011; 120-1. Tuberkulosis (TB) masih menjadi penyakit infeksi yang mematikan dengan jumlah pasien mencapai jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Tuberkulosis hingga saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat penting di dunia. Sepertiga penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi bakteri tuberkulosis dan menurut World Health Organization (WHO) jumlah terbesar kasus TB terjadi di […]
Dikromo NP, Antariksa B, Nawas A. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):14-21. Background. Annually 239 TB new cases found in every 100.000 citizens with HIV prevalence among TB patients was estimated 0,8% nationwide. Study of anti tuberculosis therapy success rate on co-infection TBHIV patient is lacking. Therefore, it is important to analyze proportion of positive or negative […]
Fachri M, Prasenohadi. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(3):166-71 Tuberkuloma paru merupakan suatu nodul atau massa berbatas tegas yang terletak di dalam paru yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). Tuberkuloma paru dapat juga diartikan sebagai suatu massa menyerupai tumor yang berasal dari pembesaran tuberkel kaseosa di paru. Tuberkuloma terbentuk dari kavitas tuberkulosis yang memadat dan membungkus diri […]
Sutoyo DK. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(2):72-74. Resistensi obat pada Tuberkulosis (TB) menjadi kesulitan utama pada pengobatan TB. Hal yang ditakutkan pada pengobatan TB adalah jika telah terjadi resistensi obat apalagi resisten terhadap banyak obat anti tuberkulosis lini pertama (poliresisten). Rifampisin (R) dan Isoniazid (H) adalah tulang punggung rejimen pengobatan karena kombinasi kedua obat tersebut mempunyai […]
Munir SM, Nawas A, Sutoyo DK. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(2);92-104. Background : Multi-drug resistant with pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR-TB) incidence rise to 2% every year, mean while the prevalence of MDR-TB in the world is 4.3%. the pattern of MDR-TB in Indonesia especially at Persahabatan hospital in 1995-1997 are; Primary resistant 4.6%-5.8% and Secondary resistant 22.95% […]
Hutapea TH. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(2). The use of DOTS strategy for tuberculosis treatment has not been successful, while the cases of tuberculosis multidrug resistance is increasing. We therefore require to know how far effect of family support to increase compliance in taking antituberculosis drugs. The research was observational study with cross sectional design. From […]