Kesediaan Pasien Tuberkulosis Melakukan Tes HIV Pada Program Provider Initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC)

· Lung Infection

Pamungkasari EP, Probandari AN, Dewanti MI, Sekarhandini P. J Respir Indones. 2011;122-7.

Today, the approach of the incidence  of infection  surveillance  Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has shifted from voluntary approach Counseling and Testing (VCT) to the Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing (PITC). In the PITC,  counseling  and HIV testing  be integrated in the health service for example in health facilities that care for Tuberculosis  (TB). At present PITC is still a new program in Indonesia that needs to be evaluated. The purpose  of this research to know the relationship  between  the level of  formal  education  with a  willingness to conduct  HIV tests  on patients in health facilities  run PITC. The study uses an observational  study design  was cross sectional  analytic  approach  (cross sectional). The sample was suspected TB patients with TB and HIV risks that come in health facilities run PITC during May 1 to October 31, 2009, as many as 42 people. Data obtained by filling out the questionnaire about the patient data and the willingness of an HIV test. Data taken after counseling. The data were analyzed with bivariate analysis. The results showed that there is a correlation between levels of formal education with a willingness to conduct HIV tests, but not statistically significant (p = 1:17, OR = 1.46, CI = 0.03-21,69). Advocacy on the importance of HIV testing of health workers in HIV-risk population groups, such as TB patients need to be intensified. Education, information and advocacy are more effective may be able to increase the willingness to conduct HIV tests.

Keywords: HIV, surveillance, TB-HIV, level of education

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