Tag archives for asma

Related Factors of Asthma Control Level in Dr. Soetomo Hospital

Ni Wayan Candrawati, Muhammad Amin Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya Abstract Introduction: Identifying and treating modifiable risk factors associated with asthma control can optimalize asthma control. Factors associated with uncontrolled asthma are age, sex, educational level, smoking, FEV1, co-morbidities and overweight. The aim of study was to […]

Pathophysiology and Markers of Airway Remodeling in Bronchial Asthma

Widodo R, Djajalaksana S. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):110-9. Abstract Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by reversible airflow limitation and airway hyperresponsiveness. Persistent inflammation in airway tissues may lead to structural changes known as airway remodeling and consequently airway obstruction that is not fully reversible and progressive loss of lung function over time. In […]

Editorial : Epidemiology of Asthma

Ratnawati. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(4):172-5. Asma merupakan penyakit kronik yang banyak diderita oleh anak dan dewasa baik di negara maju maupun di negara berkembang. Sekitar 300 juta manusia di dunia menderita asma dan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat hingga mencapai 400 juta pada tahun 2025. Meskipun dengan pengobatan efektif, angka morbiditas dan mortalitas asma masih tetap […]

Studi Perilaku Kontrol Asma pada Pasien yang tidak teratur di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan

Priyanto H, Yunus F, Wiyono HW. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(3):138-49. Background : Regular visit to doctor for asthma controlling management is an important process to observe the development of asthma therapy and symptomps improvement in every patient. Regular visit managed every 1-6 months based on asthma severity. For those who were not capable of conducting […]

Perbandingan Manfaat Klinis Senam Merpati Putih Dengan Senam Asma Indonesia Pada Penyandang Asma

Zega CTA, Yunus F, Wiyono WH. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):72-80. Background : The administration of controlled drug is a part of asthma management. Beside of this, regular exercise may also reduce asthma symptoms. The following clinical experimental study was conducted to evaluate the benefit of the Indonesian Asthma Gymnastic (IAG) and Merpati Putih Gymnastic (MPG). […]

Proporsi Asma terkontrol di Klinik Asma RS Persahabatan Jakarta 2009

Bachtiar D, Wiyono WH, Faisal Yunus. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):90-100. Introduction: Due to the increased of drug development, medical services and community awareness to asthma disease, considered asthma patient would pay more attention to control their asthma status. Asthma control test is one of the tools to measure asthma controlled level. This study performed to […]

Prevalens Asma Tidak Terkontrol dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma di Poliklinik Asma Rumah Sakit Persahabatan Jakarta

Atmoko W, Faisal HKP, Bobian ET, Adisworo MW, Yunus F. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2);53-60. Background: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that is characterized by periodic symptoms that vary from time to time. Asthma symptoms may disturb the daily activities, such as social activity, sport, work day or school day attendant. The goals of asthma […]

Prevalens Asma Pada Siswa Usia 13-14 Tahun Dengan Menggunakan Kuesionor ISSAAC dan Uji Provokasi Bronkus di Jakarta Selatan

Fitriani F, Yunus F, Rasmin M. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):81-9. Background: Prevalence of asthma in children in Indonesia varies from 2.1% to 32.2% depends on location of the study (urban vs rural), and method of study (questionnaire vs bronchoprovodation testing). However, the prevalence of asthma in children in suburb of Jakarta- relatively less airway pollution […]

Editorial: Asthma Control Test: Cara Simpel dan Efektif untuk Menilai Derajat dan Respons Terapi Asma

Zaini J. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):51-2. Pada konsensus GINA sebelumnya, derajat beratnya asma dibedakan menjadi beberapa kelompok dan berkaitan dengan gejala, keterbatasan aliran napas serta fungsi paru, yaitu Intermiten, Persisten ringan, Persisten sedang dan persisten berat. Namun perlu diketahui bahwa derajat asma tidak hanya berkaitan dengan keparahan penyakitnya, tetapi juga dengan respons terhadap terapi. Contohnya […]

Prevalens Asma Bronkial Berdasarkan Kuesioner ISAAC dan Perilaku Merokok pada Siswa SLTP di Daerah Industri Jakarta Timur

Rosamarlina, Yunus F, Sutoyo DK. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(2);75-84. Introduction: Prevalence of asthma is still rising in developed countries including Indonesian. Asthma is one of the most important diseases in childhood, causing substantial morbidity. This study using the ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) questionnaire to determine asthma prevalence in Junior high […]

Terapi Pasien Asma Perokok: Peranan Teofilin Dosis Rendah

Rai IBN. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(4). We often find outpatient asthma patient smoking. Actively smoking asthma patient showed more severe symptom and more frequent attack than non smoking group of patient. Cigarette smoking induced neutrophilic inflammation in asthma patients airway. Beside that, decreased sensitivity to inhaled or oral corticosteroid treatment also plays very important role […]

Mekanisme Seluler dalam Patogenesis Asma dan Rinitis

Surjanto E, Purnomo J. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(3). Asma adalah gangguan inflamasi kronik saluran napas yang melibatkan banyak sel dan elemennya. Inflamasi kronik menyebabkan peningkatan hiperresponsivitas saluran napas yang menimbulkan gejala episodik berulang berupa mengi, sesak napas, dada terasa berat, batuk terutama malam hari dan atau dini hari. Episodik tersebut berhubungan dengan obstruksi saluran napas […]

Hubungan Merokok dan Lama Rawat Inap Pasien Asma Eksaserbasi Akut Di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

Rai IBN, Sajinadiyasa IGK. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(3). In most developed countries ±25% of adults with asthma are current cigarette smokers. Asthma and cigarette smoking interact to cause more severe symptoms, accelerated decline in lung function, and impaired short-term therapeutic response to corticosteroids. One of variable to evaluation response of treatment was length of stay. […]

Induksi Sputum pada Asma

Surjanto E, Martika NT. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(2). Asma bronkial pada orang dewasa umumnya berlangsung seumur hidup. Asma terdiri atas 3 hal yaitu obstruksi saluran napas yang reversibel, hipereaktiviti serta inflamasi saluran napas. Inflamasi asma merupakan inflamasi kronik saluran napas. Namun demikian penilaian derajat asma berdasarkan gejala klinik dan faal paru, bukan inflamasi kronik saluran […]

Gambaran klinis dan endoskopi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus (PRGE) pada pasien asma persisten sedang di RS Persahabatan, Jakarta

Susanto AD, Syafruddin ARL, Sawitri N, Wiyono WH, Yunus F, Prasetyo S. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(1) Background : Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) close associated with any symptoms and airways disorders including chronic cough and asthma. The prevalence of GERD in asthma patients still unclear, approximately 34-89%. In many studies showed that approximately 55-82% asthma patients […]