Hudoyo A. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):8-9. Seorang akademisi dan peneliti senior dari Princeton University Edward C Taylor telah berhasil mengembangkan struktur kimia suatu asam-folat yang kemudian diberi nama pemetrexed. Penemuan ini kemudian dikembangkan untuk tujuan klinis dan bisnis oleh perusahaan farmasi Eli Lilly di Indianapolis. Setelah melalui fase-fase uji klinis, pada tahun 2004, FDA (govermen) […]
Archives for January, 2011
Doewes M, Kiyatno, Suradi. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):10-3. Background : Multifactorial influence on VO2 max e.g respiratory, cardiovascular, O2 transport and tissuebiochemical system. The purpose of this study to explore contributional respiratory system to VO2 max on variety of sport. Method : The study were done from June to August 2008 among 155 sport athletes […]
Dikromo NP, Antariksa B, Nawas A. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):14-21. Background. Annually 239 TB new cases found in every 100.000 citizens with HIV prevalence among TB patients was estimated 0,8% nationwide. Study of anti tuberculosis therapy success rate on co-infection TBHIV patient is lacking. Therefore, it is important to analyze proportion of positive or negative […]
Wahyuni TD, Swidarmoko B, Rogayah R, Hidayat H. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):22-31. Background. To establish a cytology or histologic diagnosis in a patient with suspected lung cancer, flexible bronchoscopy is an essential step in the workup. The value of obtaining brushing during fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the workup lung cancer is optimizing. This study aims to […]
Yulianti D, Syahruddin E, Hudoyo A, Icksan A. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):32-7. Background. Brain is one of the common sites of distant metastasis in patients of lung cancer, and incidens of brain metastasis in lung cancer is considered high. In Non-small Cell lung cancer guide line, brain CT done if the neurological symptoms occured. Therefore […]
Lyanda A, Antariksa B, Syahruddin E. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):38-43. Ultrasonografi (USG) adalah alat diagnostik noninvasif menggunakan gelombang suara dengan frekuensi tinggi diatas 20.000 hertz ( >20 kilohertz) untuk menghasilkan gambaran struktur organ d dalam tubuh. Manusia dapat mendengar gelombang suara 20-20.000 hertz. Gelombang suara antara 2,5 sampai dengan 14 kilohertz digunakan untuk diagnostik. Gelombang […]