Tag archives for Faisal

Studi Perilaku Kontrol Asma pada Pasien yang tidak teratur di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan

Priyanto H, Yunus F, Wiyono HW. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(3):138-49. Background : Regular visit to doctor for asthma controlling management is an important process to observe the development of asthma therapy and symptomps improvement in every patient. Regular visit managed every 1-6 months based on asthma severity. For those who were not capable of conducting […]

Ambilan Oksigen Maksimal dan Faal Paru Laki-laki Sehat Penyelam dan Bukan Penyelam

Herman D, Yunus F, Harahap F, Rasmin M. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):61-71. Background : To characterise lung function and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) of divers.Influence of age, body mass index (BMI), exercise and smoking habit on lung function and VO2max Methods : The study included 89 subjects, 46 divers and 43 healthy male. All subjects […]

Perbandingan Manfaat Klinis Senam Merpati Putih Dengan Senam Asma Indonesia Pada Penyandang Asma

Zega CTA, Yunus F, Wiyono WH. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):72-80. Background : The administration of controlled drug is a part of asthma management. Beside of this, regular exercise may also reduce asthma symptoms. The following clinical experimental study was conducted to evaluate the benefit of the Indonesian Asthma Gymnastic (IAG) and Merpati Putih Gymnastic (MPG). […]

Proporsi Asma terkontrol di Klinik Asma RS Persahabatan Jakarta 2009

Bachtiar D, Wiyono WH, Faisal Yunus. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):90-100. Introduction: Due to the increased of drug development, medical services and community awareness to asthma disease, considered asthma patient would pay more attention to control their asthma status. Asthma control test is one of the tools to measure asthma controlled level. This study performed to […]

Prevalens Asma Tidak Terkontrol dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma di Poliklinik Asma Rumah Sakit Persahabatan Jakarta

Atmoko W, Faisal HKP, Bobian ET, Adisworo MW, Yunus F. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2);53-60. Background: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that is characterized by periodic symptoms that vary from time to time. Asthma symptoms may disturb the daily activities, such as social activity, sport, work day or school day attendant. The goals of asthma […]

Prevalens Asma Pada Siswa Usia 13-14 Tahun Dengan Menggunakan Kuesionor ISSAAC dan Uji Provokasi Bronkus di Jakarta Selatan

Fitriani F, Yunus F, Rasmin M. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):81-9. Background: Prevalence of asthma in children in Indonesia varies from 2.1% to 32.2% depends on location of the study (urban vs rural), and method of study (questionnaire vs bronchoprovodation testing). However, the prevalence of asthma in children in suburb of Jakarta- relatively less airway pollution […]

Analisis Hasil Spirometri Karyawan PT X yang Terpajan Debu di Area Penambangan dan Pemrosesan Nikel

Baharuddin S, Roestam AW, Yunus F, Ikhsan M, Kekalih A. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(1). Scope and methodology Spirometry is designed to identify and quantify functional abnormalities of the respiratory system. Exposure of occupational inhalants can result in irritant, fibrotic, allergic, infectious, carcinogenic, and systemic effects to human. Some irritants produce no systemic effect because the […]

2010 : The Year of the Lung

Susanto AD, Prasenohadi, Yunus F. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(1) Pada pertemuan ”Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)” diselenggarakan pada tanggal 6 Desember 2009 pada acara The Union’s World Conference on Global Lung Health di Cancun, Mexico yang didukung oleh American Thoracic Society (ATS), Asia Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR), Asociacion Latinoamericana de Torax (ALT), European […]

Profil Pasien Rawat Jalan Poli Asma RSUP Persahabatan Juli – Desember 2006

Pratama S, Juniety E, Zairus D, Rassuna V, Yunus F. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(4). Introduction: Asthma is an important chronic inflammatory disease of the airway which has caused serious community health problems around the world. Asthma symptoms may be mild no causing any disturbances in daily activities or persistent causing activity disturbances even in regular […]

Efek Peradangan Sistemik Pada PPOK Terhadap Sistem Kardiovaskular

Fahri I, Sutoyo DK, Yunus F. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(3). Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK) adalah kondisi penyakit yang dapat dicegah dan diobati dengan karakteristik berupa keterbatasan aliran udara yang tidak sepenuhnya reversibel. Keterbatasan aliran udara bersifat progresif dan berkaitan dengan reaksi peradangan paru terhadap partikel atau gas berbahaya, terutama disebabkan oleh asap rokok. Penyakit […]

Manfaat Rehabilitasi Paru dalam Meningkatkan atau Mempertahankan Kapasitas Fungsional dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik di RSUP Persahabatan

Abidin A, Yunus F, Wiyono WH, Ratnawati A. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(2). Study objective: A prospective study to investigate of pulmonary rehabilitation program may increase or maintains quality of life and functional capacity in patients with mild to moderate COPD. Design: Randomized control trial Method: We conducted a randomized controlled trials of outcome assessment and […]

Gambaran klinis dan endoskopi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus (PRGE) pada pasien asma persisten sedang di RS Persahabatan, Jakarta

Susanto AD, Syafruddin ARL, Sawitri N, Wiyono WH, Yunus F, Prasetyo S. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(1) Background : Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) close associated with any symptoms and airways disorders including chronic cough and asthma. The prevalence of GERD in asthma patients still unclear, approximately 34-89%. In many studies showed that approximately 55-82% asthma patients […]