Tag archives for bronkoskopi

The Accuracy of Transbronchial Needle Aspiration to Determine Staging of Lung Cancer

Ikhfana Syafina,1 Noni Novisari Soeroso,1 Pantas Hasibuan,1 Putri Chairani Eyanoer2 1Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara, RSUP H. Adam Malik, Medan 2Epi Treat Unit Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Abstract Background: Mediastinal nodes metastasis is one of the important factor in determining the action of […]

Sensitivity and Specificity of Mycobacteria Tuberculosis Culture Using Liquid Media on Bronchoalveolar Lavage From Negative Acid Fast Bacili Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

Setiarsih HS, Wiyono WH, Burhan E, Soemanto RK, Widyahening IS. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):89-99. Abstract: Introduction: Diagnostic tuberculosis using acid fast bacilli (AFB) microscopy and conventional Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) culture remain the cornerstone but the sensitivity of these traditional methods is quite low, especially in the samples containing small number of organism. There is a […]

The Positive Result Of Cytology Brushing At Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Compared with Transthoracic Needle Aspiration in Central Lung Tumor

Wahyuni TD, Swidarmoko B, Rogayah R, Hidayat H. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):22-31. Background. To establish a cytology or histologic diagnosis in a patient with suspected lung cancer, flexible bronchoscopy is an essential step in the workup. The value of obtaining brushing during fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the workup lung cancer is optimizing. This study aims to […]

The Comparison of Examination Between Saline Inhalation Sputum and Alcohol Fixation Bronchial Washing with Saccomano Fixation for Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Surjanto E, Suradi, Purwoko S, Purnomo J. J Respir Indones. 2010;30(4):181-9. ABSTRACT Background : Histopathological examination is paramount in patients with suspected lung cancer, because it is a gold standard for lung cancer diagnosis. Sputum cytology examination is the only non-invasive examination that can detect lung cancer, besides it is quite cheap and can be […]