Wahyuni TD, Swidarmoko B, Rogayah R, Hidayat H. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(1):22-31.
Background. To establish a cytology or histologic diagnosis in a patient with suspected lung cancer, flexible bronchoscopy is an essential step in the workup. The value of obtaining brushing during fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the workup lung cancer is optimizing. This study aims to determine whether the diagnostic yield of flexible bronchoscopy sampling procedures in patients with lung cancer was dependent on tumour location.
Design. A survey descriptive study to find positivity result of cytology brushing at flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy compared with transthoracic needle aspiration performed in 40 central lung tumor patient from January 2009 to Desember 2009
Setting. Bronchoscopy laboratorium Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta
Result. Study founded the cytology analysis of brushing was positive for malignancy in 20 cases (50%), and the cytology analysis of transthoracic needle aspiration was positive for malignancy in 32 cases (80%). Study founded relationship among endobronchial lesions to tumor size. Study did not found relationship among endobronchial lesions to location and type of cancer. Of 40 patients who underwent fibreoptic bronchoscopy examination, brushing were performed, respectively. For patients with bronchoscopically-visible tumours, yielded diagnostic specimens for lung cancer in 50 percent of patients, respectively. Brushing was likely to be diagnostic in patients with tumours in the right upper lobe bronchi. The diagnostic yields were influenced by the bronchoscopically-mass or non-mass and tumor size.
Conclusion The diagnostic yields of bronchoscopic sampling procedures were dependent on tumour visibility during bronchoscopy and location of bronchoscopically-visible tumours. There was a trend toward higher combined diagnostic yield in brushing and transthoracic needle aspiration when compared one modality. (p=0,002)
Keywords: Lung cancer, bronchoscopy; brushing