Fariha Ramadhaniah,1 Evlina Suzanna,1 Sri Erni Istiawati,2 Sariningsih3
1Subbagian Registrasi Kanker, Bagian Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Staf Medis Fungsional Saraf, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta, Indonesia
3Instalasi Radiodiagnostik, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Lung cancer is the most common cancer spreads to the brain and become a poor prognosis. Based on data of cancer registry period 1993-2007 in Dharmais, incidence of brain metastases of lung cancer 13.65%.
Methods: Cross-sectional research methods to see an overview of clinical features of neurology with the location of brain metastases as well as see a picture of the location of lung tumor mass with the location of brain metastases. The population is lung cancer with brain metastasis 2001-2007. Inclusion criteria were validated case with anatomic pathology and modalities of CT/MRI of brain, has not received radiation and surgery in the head and had no history of neurological complaints.
Result: The results based on age group, high at age >59 years, predominantly adenocarcinoma morphology, neurology clinical feature which often complained is headache with parietal lobe was the most frequent location of brain metastases. The highest percentage of mass location of the tumor in the upper lobe of the right lung is. Small proportion of patients complained of neurological clinical features associated with the location in the brain metastase and location of tumor mass located in the right lung. (J Respir Indo. 2016; 36: 11-9)
Keywords: Clinical features, lung cancer, brain metastases.