Deep Vein Trombosis among Lung Cancer Patients Using Wells Score

· Thoracic Oncology

Fadhlia Majidiah, Elisna Sjahruddin, Sita Laksmi Andarini

Background: Deep vein trombosis (DVT) is a common complication in malignancy. Its incidence in lung cancer is much higher than in general population. Since there were no data about DVT in lung cancer and there were no similar study conducted in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to find deep vein thrombosis proportion among lung cancer patients determined by clinical criteria such as (Wells score) in Persahabatan Hospital.
Methods: The study design is a cross-sectional method. The lung cancer patients who were hospitalized within September 2012 to February 2013 were enrolled Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thrombin Time (APTT), and D-dimer were assessed along with clinical Wells score criteria. Deep vein trombosis among the patients is determined by severe Wells score.
Results: Subjects in this study were mostly male (69,2%) with predominant age group of 51-60 years old (33,3%). Predominant histopathologic sub type was adenocarcinoma (57,7%). Sixty four patients (82,1%) had D-dimer >500 and only 14 patients (17,9%) with normal D-dimer. Deep vein trombosis proportion is 23,1% using Wells score. Clinical characteristics such as sex, age, smoking history, tumor cell type, tumor staging, performance status and hemostasis function does not have correlation with DVT, however score of D-dimer >500 have correlation with DVT.
Conclusion: The DVT proportion among lung cancer patients in Persahabatan Hospital is approximately 23,1%. This study revealed that the simple and practical application of Wells score in determining DVT have valueable role. (J Respir Indo. 2014; 34: 1-10)

Key words: deep vein thrombosis, lung cancer, Wells score.

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