Eddy Surjanto, Yusup Subagyo Sutanto, Jatu Aphridasari, Leonardo
Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret,
RS Dr. Moewardi, Surakarta
Background: Pleural effusion is abnormal accumulation of pleural fluid in pleural cavity, which is caused by excessive transudation or exudation from pleural surface and complication of various diseases. The aim of this study was to describe common causes of pleural effusion in Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive design study was conducted in 107 pleural effusion patients at Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta from January 1st to December 31st 2012. Data was collected from medical records.
Results: Of 86 patients with exudative pleural effusion, 21 patients with transudative pleural effusion. Pleural effusion was commonly caused by malignancy (33,64%) and followed by tuberculosis(30,84%).The macroscopic appearance of pleural effusion were seroxanthochrome (54,21%), serohemorragic (23,36%), purulent (12,15%), serous (6,54%), and hemorragic (3,74%). Exudative pleural effusion was commonly found in malignancy (33,64%) and tuberculosis (30,84%). Transudative pleural effusion was commonly found in congestive heart failure (13,08%) and chronic renal failure (5,61%).
Conclusion: Malignancy was the most common etiology of pleural effusion and xanthochrome was the most common macroscopic appearance. (J Respir Indo. 2014; 34:102-8)
Key words: pleural effusion,etiology, macroscopic appearance.