Fadhlia Majidiah, Elisna Sjahruddin, Sita Laksmi Andarini Abstract Background: Deep vein trombosis (DVT) is a common complication in malignancy. Its incidence in lung cancer is much higher than in general population. Since there were no data about DVT in lung cancer and there were no similar study conducted in Indonesia. The objective of this study […]
Archives for January, 2014
Amira Anwar, Elisna Sjahruddin, Wahju Aniwidyaningsih, Indah Suci Widyahening, Agus Dwi Susanto Abstract Backgroud: The causes of death for patients with lung cancer were inadequately described. This study were to describe the causes of death in lung cancer and contributing factors and to describe discrepancies between the causes of death from medical records and death […]
Noni Novisari Soeroso, Luhur Soeroso, Tamsil Syafiuddin Abstract Background: Increased level of CEA found on adenocarcinoma and decreased of level CEA found on squamous cell lung cancer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum CEA levels in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan. Methods: This is […]
Adi Rosadi, Boedi Swidarmoko, Pudjo Astowo Abstract Background: Tube thoracostomy is simple invasive procedure but many aspects must be evaluated regarding the underlying disease, place of insertion, type of chest tube, technique and complication. No data regarding complication of tube thoracostomy in various pleural diseases in Indonesia. Methods : Prospective study was done at Persahabatan […]
Diah Handayani, Nirwan Arief, Boedi Swidarmoko, Pudjo Astowo, Muhammad Sopiyudin Dahlan Abstract Background: Realizing the utility of scoring systems in mortality prediction of critically ill patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU), studies worldwide have expressed a need to validate the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score for database of respective centers. […]
Jenny Wailan Kandowangko, Susanthy Djajalaksana, Harun Al Rasyid Abstract Background: Depression is a main comorbid in COPD and it is related with the decrease in health status and worse prognosis. There is also increase of abnormal inflammatory cells activation and increase of cytokine IL-6 during depression period. Methods: Observational cross sectional study, 36 stable COPD […]
Ferry Dwi Kurniawan, Prasenohadi, Faisal Yunus Abstract Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbation related to an increased risk of mortality, morbidity and health cost. Evidently, non invasive ventilation (NIV) has a role in reducing risk of in-hospital mortality, intubation and length of stay. By providing Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) extrinsically, it could overcome the […]