Haryati, Mohammad Bakhriansyah, Shinta Kartika Nur Aisah
Background : Lung cancer is one of the most common malignancies causing very high morbidity and mortality. Many factors
contribute to the incidence of lung cancer instead of the major factor, smoking. It was the top ten of pulmonary diseases at RSUD Ulin
Banjarmasin. The aim of this research was to describe the profiles of patients with primary lung cancer at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin in
Methods : This was a descriptive study based on medical records collected between 2006-2011 at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. All
cases were confirmed as having lung cancer based on histopathological analysis.
Results : Of 134 confirmed cases of lung cancer at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, 76.12% were male with the ratio of 3:1 between male
and female. Thirty three percent of them reside in Banjarmasin city while the rest were coming from surrounding area. The mean age
of patients was 57 years old, particularly at the fifth decade (29.85%). The most common clinical symptom was shortness of breath
(53.73%). The most common histological type of lung cancer was adenocarcinoma (61.96%). Most patiens were diagnosed in the
advanced stages of the disease, i.e IVAand IVB (56.72% and 17.91%). (J Respir Indo. 2013; 33:50-6)
Keywords: Primary lung cancer, risk factors, histological type, clinical stage.
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