Ekspresi Sitokeratin 19 Dari Bilasan Bronkus Penderita Kanker Paru Jenis Karsinoma Bukan Sel Kecil dan Penderita Risiko Tinggi Kanker Paru Dengan Metode Imunohistokimia

· Thoracic Oncology

Putra NPP, Muktiati NS, Mulyartha K, Siswanto. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(4).

Background: Nowadays, in industrialized countries, lung cancers the most frequent cancer in men. Lung cancers also one of several malignancy in women. Lung cancer is one of several lung disease that need to be handled and managed fast and appropriately. Complicated skill and facility is needed in order to establish the diagnose of lung cancer. Advance improvement of technology allows us to use tumor marker to support the diagnose of lung cancer earlier to determine the prognosis as well as to detect the risk factor of malignancy. Cytokeratin 19 belongs to intermediate filament as a all supporting structure so that the shape of the cell becomes stable and the nucleus is still located in the proper position. This cytokeratin 19 is axpressed in the respiratory tract epithel. The aim of this study was determine expression of cytokeratin 19 in normal person, high risk person and non small cell lung cancer patients.
Methods: We evaluated expression of Cytokeratine 19 from bronchial washing samples
Results: The means expression of cytokeratin 19 in normal person, high risk person, adeno ca patient and epidermoid ca patient is 16,6, 20,1, 35, 52,6 consicutively. The expression of cytokeratin 19 in normal person was different significantly from adeno ca and epidermid ca patients. Significant difference was also found between high risk patient and adeno ca, epidermoid patient as well as between epidermoid ca patients and adeno ca patients.
Conclusion: There was no significant difference between normal group and high risk patients.

Keywords : Cytokeratin 19, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, non small cell lung cancer, non small cell lung carcinoma, nsclc, lung cancer, kanker paru, kanker paru karsinoma bukan sel kecil, kpkbsk, tumor paru, keganasan paru, imunohistokimia

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