Correlation between Tuberculosis Sequelae with 6 Minute Walking Test in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Sequelae


Azzaky, Bambang Sigit Riyanto, IkaTrisnawati, Barmawi Hisyam, Sumardi, Eko Budiono, Heni Retnowulan

Sub Bagian Penyakit Paru Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gajah Mada, RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) often result in diffuse fibrosis in the lung tissue, resulting in decreased lung function as a whole. Functional walking test, for example the six minute walking test (6MWT), commonly used as a means for evaluating functional status, monitor the effectiveness of therapy and establish prognosis. This study is to asses the correlation between Wilcox Index and 6MWT in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae who have completed treatment. Methods: A post-test experimental design study in 45 patients in Lung Clinic-Internal Medicine, Dr. Sardjito Hospital and BP4 Yogyakarta during the period from May to July 2013. Pearson correlation test was used to test the significance of correlation and Independent Sample Test was used to obtain a reference equation. We have evaluated the degree of sequelae by Wilcox Index and 6MWT. Results: Wilcox index I of 62.2%, II 28.9%, III by 8.9%. The mean 6MWT 255.6±63.83 meters. There is a significant correlation between the groups in the Wilcox index with the 6MWT (p=0.000), coefficient (r) 0.831. Independent Sample Test shows that there is a close relationship between the 6MWT and Wilcox index (p=0.045). Differences in 6MWT at Wilcox index I and II compared to Wilcox index III are 66.54 meters. Conclusion: The sequelae degree from pulmonary tuberculosis have a considerable impact on a 6-minute walking test in people with tuberculosis sequelae in Yogyakarta. (J Respir Indo. 2014; 34: 127-31)

Keywords: tuberculosis, Wilcox index, 6MWT.

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