Differences Between Upper Limb and Lower Limb Exercise to Training Capacity and Fat-Free Mass of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

· Biomolecular, COPD, Lung Function

Zakiah Novianti¹, Suradi¹, Muchsin Doewes²
¹Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret
²Departemen Kedokteran Olahraga, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Backgound: Exercise intolerance is one of the main factors limiting participation in activities of daily living among individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Depletion of fat-free mass (FFM) significantly contributes to decreased skeletal muscle weakness and impaired exercise capacity in patients with COPD. Exercise training may improve six-minutes walking test (6MWT), VO₂ max and FFM value. The aim of this study was to compare the improvement of 6MWT, VO₂ max and FFM value between upper limb and lower limb exercise training of COPD patients.
Methods: This study was an clinical experimental research involving the comparative analysis of pre and post test parameters between two groups treated Group A – with upper limb exercise training protocol and Group B – with lower limb exercise training protocol. Subjects were outpatients with COPD in Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. Outcome measurement such VO₂ max and FFM were assessed pre intervention and post intervention after six weeks.
Results: Both of upper and lower limb exercise training group had significantly increased in 6MWT (p=0,000), VO2 max (p=0,000) and FFM (p=0,000). The 6MWT (p=0,445), VO₂ max (p=0,442) and FFM (p=0,241) difference among the groups was not significant.
Conclusion: There were no significant difference in 6MWT, VO₂ max and fat-free mass value after exercise among upper limb exercise and lower limb exercise. (J Respir Indo. 2015; 35: 172-80)
Keywords: COPD, upper limb exercise training , lower limb exercise training, 6MWT, VO₂ max, FFM.

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