Deteksi Antibodi Anti H5N1 dengan Uji Hambatan Hemagglutinasi dan Netralisasi

· Lung Infection

Setiawaty V, Soediro TM, Ibrahim F, Krisna Nur AP, Itamura S, Sedyaningsih ER. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(1)

Since July 2005 until May 2008, Indonesia has reported 133 confirmed cases with case fatality proportion 81%, 54% had history of direct contact with poultry (chicken). It is important to detect antibody anti H5N1 among high risk population like poultry collector house workers in DKI Jakarta. Antibody anti-H5N1 were tested by. Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) assay using A/Ck/WestJava/67/03(H5N1) and A/Ck/Banten/05-1116/05(H5N1) antigen
and Neutralization (NT) assay using A/H5N1/Indo/05/IBCDC-RG virus. From 216 sera we found seropositive HI 0.5% and 14.4% with 2003 and 2005 antigen respectively, 12% by NT test. Concerning WHO recommendation that NT test is a gold standard, 12% workers had positive antibody anti H5.

Keywords: Poultry workers, H5N1, antibody, neutralization

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