Yeni Putri, Taufik, Yusrizal Chan, Irvan Medison
Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat M. Djamil, Padang
Backgrounds: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammation of the airway that is persistent and progressive. Patient with stable COPD frequently have bacterial colonization in lower respiratory tract and become potential trigger for airway inflammation. Bacterial colonization stimulates the expression of IL-8 in epithelial cells and increases the rate of IL- 8 in sputum. Antibiotics treatment can reduce the rate of IL-8 sputum significantly thereby reducing the symptoms of shortness of breath.
Methods: Pre and post prospective study of patients with stable COPD that had potential bacterial pathogen in sputum from Pulmonary Clinic in M.Djamil Hospital, Center for Pulmonary Disease Treatment (BP4 Lubuk Alung). Subject was given antibiotics for 7 days based on sputum culture and sensitivity. Twenty two subjects fullfiled the criteria for inclusion. Sputum IL-8 level and MMRC scale before and after the administration of antibiotics were examined.
Results: Twenty two sample was observed, 100% were male and ex-smokers with hypertension as comorbid disease (18,18%). COPD grade 3 is the most (50%) with 14 subjects has MMRC scale 3 (63,34%). IL- 8 before administration was 766.64 ± 193.24 and after administration was 438.46 ± 135.38. There is no difference in MMRC scale before and after antibiotic administration.
Conclusion: Antibiotic reduce IL- 8 rate significantly, but not affect MMRC scale. (J Respir Indo. 2014; 34: 211-7)
Keywords: COPD, Interleukin 8, sputum, MMRC scale.