Mulyadi, Zulfitri, Nafisah S. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):101-4.
In this research was conducted at the Community Health Center Meuraxa Banda Aceh using one of the parameters of lung function PEFR measured with Peak flow meter. This is a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional approach. Research subjects were 96 patients aged 13-60 years of respiratory disorders.
Data were analyzed with descriptive and bivariate tests (chi square). Age group 31-40 years was found that the samples with the highest PEFR 50-80% as many as 65,5%. Male sex with the highest PEFR 50-80% of women as much as 80,5% and 66% for the highest PEFR 80 -100%. Samples with respiratory disorders; cough was 100%, phlegm was 65,6%, wheezing was 18,7% and chest pain was 42,7% all have the highest PEFR 50-80%. Samples with a history of smoking; history of smoking 90.3% was the result PEFR 50-80% in subjects who smoked and who did not smoke the most results PEFR 80-100% as many as 67,3%. Samples with a history of lung disease had the highest PEFR 50-80% as many as 94,7% and who had no history of
lung disease 51,9% with the highest PEFR value of 80-100%. While the bivariate analysis using Chi Square test showed that all independent variables χ² count > χ² table so that age, sex, smoking history, respiratory disorders and a history of lung disease affected the results of PEFR.
Keywords : Spirometry, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), respiratory disorders