Djajalaksana S. J Respir Indo. 2012;32(4):198-9. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) atau disosialisasikan dengan bahasa Indonesia PPOK (penyakit paru obstruktif kronik) adalah penyakit paru yang dapat dicegah dan diobati, ditandai dengan limitasi aliran udara yang persisten dan progresif, akibat respons inflamasi kronik pada jalan napas dan parenkim paru yang disebabkan gas atau partikel beracun. Eksaserbasi dan komorbid berkontribusi pada beratnya penyakit […]
Tag archives for indonesia
Fachri M, Yunus F, Wiyono WH, Kekalih A. J Respir Indo.2012;32(4):208-17. Abstract Introduction: There is a correlation between the disturbance of endocrine glands and muscular weakness in COPD patients. Two hormones assumed to be affected are growth hormone and testosterone hormone. Methods: In observational case control study, we collected data consecutively from stable COPD patients […]
Surjanto E, Sutanto YS, Reviono, Harsini, Marsabessy QL. J Respir Indones. 2012;32(2):85-8. Abstract Introduction: Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection in human immunodefisiency virus (HIV) patients. Aim this study was to describe TB-HIV coinfection patients among TB patients according to clinical symptoms, acid fast bacili, chest radiography. Methods: Descriptive study from medical record of 37 […]
Mulyadi, Mudatsir, Nurlina. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(3):133-7. In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared tuberculosis as a Global Emergency. In 2004, WHO stated that there are 8.8 million new cases for tuberculosis. Indonesia ranks third in the world for the number of cases of tuberculosis, after India and China. This study aims to […]
Mulyadi, Suangkupon R, Dermawan I. J Respir Indones. 2011;31(2):105-8. Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia there are 583.000 cases, 140.000 deaths and 13/100.000 population represent a new patient. About 75% of TB patient are the most productive age group are economically (15-50 years) with nutrional and economic status […]
Surjanto E, Martika NT. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(2). Asma bronkial pada orang dewasa umumnya berlangsung seumur hidup. Asma terdiri atas 3 hal yaitu obstruksi saluran napas yang reversibel, hipereaktiviti serta inflamasi saluran napas. Inflamasi asma merupakan inflamasi kronik saluran napas. Namun demikian penilaian derajat asma berdasarkan gejala klinik dan faal paru, bukan inflamasi kronik saluran […]