Tag archives for merokok

Terapi Pasien Asma Perokok: Peranan Teofilin Dosis Rendah

Rai IBN. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(4). We often find outpatient asthma patient smoking. Actively smoking asthma patient showed more severe symptom and more frequent attack than non smoking group of patient. Cigarette smoking induced neutrophilic inflammation in asthma patients airway. Beside that, decreased sensitivity to inhaled or oral corticosteroid treatment also plays very important role […]

Hubungan Merokok dan Lama Rawat Inap Pasien Asma Eksaserbasi Akut Di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

Rai IBN, Sajinadiyasa IGK. J Respir Indones. 2009;29(3). In most developed countries ±25% of adults with asthma are current cigarette smokers. Asthma and cigarette smoking interact to cause more severe symptoms, accelerated decline in lung function, and impaired short-term therapeutic response to corticosteroids. One of variable to evaluation response of treatment was length of stay. […]