Effect of Resveratrol to The Plasma Level of Interleukin-8, MMP-9 and CAT Score of Acute Exacerbation COPD Patient

· Biomolecular, COPD

Evata Putri,1,2 Suradi,1 Diffah,1 Harsini1

1Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret, RSUD Dr. Moewardi, Surakarta
2Program Pasca Sarjana Minat Kedokteran Keluarga Biomedik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret, RSUD Dr. Moewardi, Surakarta

Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is pulmonary disease which is marked with not fully reversible of respiratory obstructive and progressive. Increase of respiratory inflammation during exacerbation will enhance level of IL-8 plasma, MMP-9 plasma, and cause clinical worse of COPD patient. Resveratrol is one of polyphenol compound which is common in grape skins, polygonum cuspidatum, and red wine, have anti inflammation and antioxidant.
Methods: This research was experimental clinical test with preand post design, analyze the effect of resveratrol towards IL-8 and MMP-9 level including clinical improvement of acute exacerbation COPD patient based on CAT. The subject consists of 30 patients of exacerbation COPD treated in Moewardi and Ario Wirawan hospital, during 18 March–7 April 2016. The sample was taken by consecutive sampling, divided into treatment group (n=15) received standard therapy for acute exacerbation COPD and resveratrol, control group (n=15) received standard therapy.
Results: There was significant difference (p=0.019) towards decreased of IL-8 level of treatment group (-4,3+4,8) compared with control group (-0,89+6,61). There was no significantdifference (p=0.367) towards increase of MMP-9 level of treatment group (89,12+385,03) compared with control group (197,07+244,22), but increase of MMP-9 level of control group was significant (p=0.007) compared with treatment group (p=0.385). There was no significant difference (p=0.176) towards decrease of CAT score of treatment group (-6,60+2,87) copared with control group (-5.00+3,42).
Conclusion: The addition of resveratrol could be considered as adjunctive therapy to escalate clinical recovery of acute exacerbation COPD patients. (J Respir Indo. 2017; 37: 119-28)
Keywords: Resveratrol, IL-8 plasma, MMP-9 plasma, CAT score, and acute exacerbation COPD.

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