Depression in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Population and Correlation with Serum Level Interleukin (IL)-6 and Quality of Life

· Biomolecular, COPD

Jenny Wailan Kandowangko, Susanthy Djajalaksana, Harun Al Rasyid

Background: Depression is a main comorbid in COPD and it is related with the decrease in health status and worse prognosis. There is also increase of abnormal inflammatory cells activation and increase of cytokine IL-6 during depression period.
Methods: Observational cross sectional study, 36 stable COPD patients in pulmonology outpatients clinic at Saiful Anwar Hospital was grouped according to GOLD 2011, from December 1st 2012 to February 28th 2013 identifi cation of depression with BDI questioner and BASDEC, scoring of quality of life with SGRQ, and also measurement of serum level of IL-6.
Result: There is no significant correlation between BASDEC or BDI score and serum level of IL-6 (p=0,5,p=0,955). There is no significant difference in SGRQ score in depression subgroup and non-depression subgroup (p=0,501). Significant difference was found SGRQ score in four COPD population (p=0,009).
Conclusion: There is difference of depression in COPD population between using BASDEC and BDI. There is no significant difference between depression and IL-6 level in the four COPD population that we analysed. No relation between depression and quality of life in the four COPD population but SGRQ score increased according to severity of the illness. (J Respir Indo. 2014; 34: 46-52)

Key words: COPD, depression, serum interleukin-6, SGRQ.

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