Samsul Afandi, Faisal Yunus, Sita Andarini, Aria Kekalih
Background : Previous studyshowed that there were still a lot of uncontrolled asthma patients in Persahabatan Hospital. This study try to describe the asthma control level in longitudinal design. Methods : Subjects of this study were all persistent asthma patient in Persahabatan Hospital within six month period. All eligible subjects will interviewed to identify risk factors. Asthma control level was measured using ACT and morbidity level was measured using Revised Jones Morbidity Index. Follow up were done every three months until one year. Correlation between asthma control level, risk factors and morbidity were analyzed. Results : Of 313 patients enrolled, only 280 patients completed the study. The percentage of full and partial control patients increased after one year evaluation. The uncontrolled asthma decreased after one year evaluation. ACT value was getting better in 68.2%, stable in 12.9% and worsened in 18.9%. The worsening group has significant correlation with atopic history (p = 0.042) and allergen as inciter (p = 0.004). There are significant correlation between ACT and morbidity level. Conclusion : Overall, asthma control level in Persahabatan Hospital after 12 month of evaluation was getting better. The worsening group were significantly associated with patient’s atopic history and allergen as inciter. There was strong correlation between the value of ACT and morbidity level. (J Respir Indo. 2013; 33:230-43)
Keywords : Asthma control level, asthma control test, morbidity level.